Arabian Life Style Package
Arabian countries have extreme climates. The extreme heat, cold and wind affect the life adversely. The fast food habits also affect several people negatively. Along with these problems, the universal life style issues like sedentary working style or continuous traveling, mental tensions etc also may be present. These factors produce a lot of diseases like Obesity, Cholesterol, Heart diseases, Diabetes, Digestive problems, Renal diseases, Skin problems.. etc. Elimination of toxic substances from the body and prevention of the ill effects of the above factors is necessary for healthy life. This package contains several Ayurvedic therapies which are able to prevent these diseases.
- To prevent the diseases caused by the hot climate and food habit of middle east
- Derived from Ritucharya
- Generalized treatment with flexibility to individual factors
- 03,05,07 days packages
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Beauty Care Package
Beauty problems like Hair fall, Pimples, Dark colour of the skin.. etc are haunting several people. As per Ayurveda, these issues are due to Dhatuvaiguna and Doshavaishamya caused by food, habits and climatic variations. Ayurved has a lot of techniques to cure and prevent these problems, which are included in this package.
- Preventive or curative depending up on the patient
- Based on the treatments of twak vikaras
- Generalized treatment with flexibility to individual factors
- 03,05,07 days packages
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Detoxification Package
Detoxification/Panchakarma, which includes five major procedures, is meant to purify the whole body by eliminating the accumulated toxins from it. This package includes treatments like Virechana (Purgation), Vamana (Emesis), Snehavasthi (Medicated Oil Enema), Kashayavasti (medicated decoction enema) & Nasya (Nasal Administration). The specialty of this treatment is that it can be administered both in a healthy, as well as the diseased person. When a healthy person subjects himself to Panchakarma, it has a preventive, restorative and rejuvenative effect on the body. In the beginning of the therapy, the body is prepared for the actual process of elimination.
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Diabetes Care Package
DIABETIC CARE "All sugar is after all not a sweet experience. But its never too late." Diabetes mellitus is a recognized pandemic in today's world. With conventional medicines failing to control its widespread, the world is returning to the healing hands of nature to curb this menace. Understandably a lifestyle disorder causing metabolic disturbances, it urgently requires the correction of "agni" which is the base principle in ayurvedic treatments. Thus, since time immemorial, ayurveda has envisaged a rich literature in the treatments for "prameha"(DM). Be the one to indulge in the benevolence of the Ayurvedic diabetic care.
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Joint Care Package
The strength of Ayurveda in the area of spine and joint treatment is globally appreciated. Since it addresses the root cause of the issue the results are fantastic.Spine Joint care' programme is a well planned health pack using all the possibilities of Ayurveda & Yoga to treat various spine and joint problems like spondylitis, slip disc, sciatica, osteo-Arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, scoliosis, spots injury, etc.
- Changes, releasing the spasm in the affected area, strengthening the supportive tissues holding the spine/joints, nourishing the joints through improving the circulation.
- This programme is also effective as a preventive measure to avoid the possible spine and joint complications in people who had a history of back and neck problems.
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Rejuvenation Package
Rejuvenation means making young again. The term used in Ayurveda texts for the rejuvenation treatment is Rasayanachikilsa or Rasayana therapy. Rasayana is one of the eight branches of Ayurveda. As per an ayurvedic definition, Rasayana means, that which destroys the old age and disease through the conservation, transformation, and revitalization of energy.
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Spine Care Package
SPINAL CARE "Prevention is always better than cure." This proverb can't be more true for people who are suffering from spinal problems. The world over, major population irrespective of age groups are bearing the brunt of back problems and being the silent witnesses of its complications. But fear not because there is still a ray of hope in the ever trusted treatment principles of ayurveda which guides you back to your normal vibrant life giving your spine the essential curative and rejuvenative therapies to bring back the confidence in you.
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Stress Relieving and Relaxation Package
Stress is nothing but uncomfortable state of mind. It is the state of mental or emotional strain. Ayurveda, the "Science of Life". Ayurveda believes this to be Maanas Dosha (mental disorder). There are several single herbs and compounds that give relieves in stress. According to ayurveda, human body is made of three doshas—vata, pitta and kapha, which are also present in the nature. These three doshas are in constant interaction with each other inside human body.
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