Abraham's Infertility Research of Gynaec Centre
  abraham's infertility research of gynaec centre,hospitalskerala.com,hospitalskerala,hospitals kerala
What is meant by Infertility? After marriage, when the couples fail for procreation, without using any contraceptives for a year the stage is called primary infertility. At the same time frequent abortion is also a kind of infertility. The cause of infertility is seen 40 % in men and 40% in women and10 % could be because of unpredictable reasons. Modern medical treatments available in the hospital are explained below. For detecting the cause of infertility in men and women blood test, Hormone detection, periodic Ultrasound Scanning, X-ray of the uterus,
Endometrian Biopsy, Laproscopy, Hysteroscopy (Endoscopy) are used.
Operative Video Laproscopy for Tubal and Ovarian Pathology Operative Video Hysteroscopy for UterinePathology.
Laproscopy Hysterectomy
The doctor does operation for removing uterus and ovary and for stopping conceiving by KeyHole Surgery. The tumors having growth of 32 weeks can be removed by this Surgery. The advantages for this surgery is that you don't require time for healing and you can get back to your job as soon as possible, Since this kind of operation doesn't require to stay at hospital and rest the expenses will be very less compared to other surgeries.
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